Monday, October 27, 2008

Voice Thread

For the first part of the assignment, commenting on the school photograph, I was going to take the easy way out and just type a comment, but we do have a computer with a microphone, so I decided to figure it out. This was quite easy to do, but my microphone is pretty lousy.

My own voice thread was quite fun to do. I enjoyed digging out our photographs and doing some web research to get period pictures. Adding comments, both written and vocal was pretty simple. Again, my microphone is not very good, so while it sounded ok when I recorded it, it did not sound very good on playback. There were a few other glitches too. I thought I had lost my 90% completed voicethread because I could not figure out how to retrieve it, so I started over. Then I figured out how to find it when I had finished the new one. Also, one of my pictures had a voicethread in addition to text, but it never showed up on my other computer when I emailed it to myself – only the text was visible. I never did figure that out.

Overall, I see a number of applications for this in the classroom. I envision students doing slideshows which could then be viewed in class. I see a lot of personal applications for this as well.

There was an option to embed the Voice Thread into the blogger so I tried it and it worked!

Overall a fun, easy to use tool.

1 comment:

Digital Teacher said...

I really enjoyed your voice thread. Your microphone seemed fine. I thought it sounded better than my computer microphone. So maybe we are not such good judges of our own voices. Congrats on getting it embedded into your blog.